Dates: Dec. 1st; Dec. 7th
Teen Flip with a Twist
As the flyer above/left states, His Kids Academy is conducting its first Teen Flip with a Twist! It will be held on DECEMBER 1ST, 2018, at 5826 Cahaba Valley Rd. Time is 6:00-8:30 p.m. See you there!
Kids Flip with a Twist
As the second flyer says, His Kids Academy is also hosting another Flip with a Twist for ages 12 and under. It's going to be on DECEMBER 7TH, 2018, at 5826 Cahaba Valley Rd. The time is also 6:00-8:30 p.m. See you there!
Dates: December 2018
Mully Fundraiser
**NOTE** This fundraiser is over.
At His Kids Academy, we are actively raising money for Mully Children's Family, an organization that establishes orphanages across Africa. This organization was founded by wealthy business owner Charles Mully (who himself was orphaned at six-years-old). A documentary was made about Charles Mully and his organization. It is called Mully - The World's Largest Family. Read more about that on their film website and organization website.